Our Daily Bread

Have you hopped in on the sourdough craze yet?

I have.
And, for a while I can keep it going really good – as long as I just keep it on my countertop and feed that baby twice a day.
I keep feeding and it keeps growing.
I have made a few loaves of bread with my sourdough, but why make bread when you can make cookies?!  
I save up all my discard to use to make the best chocolate chip cookies EVER!
Disclaimer: this is not my recipe, I just follow the instructions: https://pin.it/5bhwJOq6B.

While taking in God’s Word this morning, I thought about my sourdough issue.
As long as I keep my starter on the counter and feed it twice daily, it seems happy and just grows and grows and grows.
However, if I decide to take a little break and store my starter in the refrigerator until I feel like getting back to it,
my starter very quickly starts collecting mold. (Maybe you can tell me what I’m doing wrong?)

It occurred to me that I am kind of like my sourdough starter – as long as I am feeding on the Word of God everyday, I am more joyful and
just keep growing and growing and growing in my faith and love of my Savior.
However, if I decide to “take a break” or life gets so busy I forget to feed on the Word for a few days...I start getting a little moldy myself.

Matthew 4:4: “But he answered and said, ‘It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.’”
Consuming God’s Word, just as we consume food daily, strengthens us to walk in His commands – worshipping Him, loving, forgiving, serving Him daily.
The intentional, daily intake of God’s Word has truly enriched and changed my life, and God can do that for you, too!

If you would like to learn how you can experience this “daily bread,” I would love to connect with you and share with you how you, too, can commune and grow with God daily. We can get together over some yummy sourdough bread cookies!


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