Digging the Hole

I live in Florida and my goodness does it get hot. Thankfully the Lord blessed us with air conditioning inside. Unthankfully my yellow lab hates being inside. So out he goes only to discover that it is sweltering outside. So resolve this issue he digs himself a hole. Day by dad, he just keeps digging deeper and deeper, tearing up my plants, trying to escape the sun and make for himself a more comfy, cool spot. It's a good thing I love this dog!

Do you find that sometimes you dig yourself deeper and deeper into a hole, trying to escape the Son, and tearing up some things in your life?

I am sorry to say I have.

Following after God's will isn't usually comfortable and cool, but often calls us to face our fears and get out of that hole.

Today, my step of obedience is: I will pray specifically for the opportunity to share the gospel with someone and when the opportunity comes, I will do it!

What is God calling you to do?

What is one step of obedience you will take today?

Susie Lewis is a Christian speaker, Bible teacher, and author who shares her knowledge and personal experience at Christian women’s conferences, gatherings, meetings, and seminars.


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